
There have always been some adult type Easter eggs or references in kids games and shows that are intended to add a sense of humor or relatability to the older audience. However, there are some things about Pokemon that are just plain dark and can’t be forgotten about when you actually consider what it means.

For this discussion we have decided to engage in some of the darker moments of the Pokemon games and Pokemon series, with a brief explanation. Afterwards, we would like to know what you think so feel free to comment.

St. Annest-annev

In the Pokemon series, there are a few episodes that revolve around a specific ship called the S.S St. Anne. This is a dark point in the game due to the fact that the ship actually begins to sink, trapping Team Rocket on the inside. This leads them to fight for their life and it makes you wonder how many people actually didn’t make it. Maybe this is why you are forced to leave the ship before it is able to depart in the Pokemon games.

Celedon Pervert

In the Pokemon games, the police of Celedon are distracted by Team Rocket, leaving the chance for an older male to spy on the women in the Celedon Pokemon Gym. This creepy pervert is found staring into the window talking about how great the gym is because it is all women.

To the Graveto-the-grave

The darkest thing to consider adding to any child’s atmosphere is the aspect of death. However, both the Pokemon games and the Pokemon series hint towards, if not blatantly stating that death of Pokemon and trainers is a common thing. For example, the Pokemon Tower houses the graves of many deceased Pokemon, and is full of ghosts that can only be assumed to be the spirits of Pokemon past.

Brock’s Abandonmentbrocks-abandonment

In the Pokemon series, it is stated that Brock and his siblings were abandoned by their father, leaving Brock to care for his siblings by himself, surviving only on what profit Brock could bring in from the Gym. This is a dark subject that relates deeply to children who have absent father figures in their lives which you wouldn’t expect to find in a children’s series.

Wally’s Final Battlewallys-final-battle

So, Wally is a rival you meet in the Gen 3 games Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. It is stated that his family objects to him becoming a Pokemon trainer, which is his dream, because he is sickly. Though the nature of his sickness is never stated he does mention he feels weak on occasion. After the final battle, he vanishes.

We hope you enjoyed these dark moments of Pokemon history, and in the future,  we hope to add another installment of dark moments in Pokemon. Are there any dark moments that have stuck with you from the series or the games? Let us know.  Thank you for reading!

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